
Tuesday, November 15, 2016


             We bought  time-share vacation in Mexico 1st time we went on vacation in Cabo San Lucas in May 2002. We used the time share of our son in law for 1 week vacation in Resort Finistera on the Pacific coast, south west end of semi peninsula California in Mexico. Next year we used our vacation in Villa del Palmar Resort in Puerto Valarta. We were invited to visit presentation in another resort there - Mayan Palace. We liked it more and exchanged for our for some extra payment. Next year we went to Riviera Maya south of Cancun on Caribbean Coats of Mexico.Like bonus of new customer  they offered us one bed room apartment with small pool for cooling on the veranda looking to the Ocean. We liked it more and upgraded to the top level - Grand Mayan Palace for some extra charge.

        After that we started going to Mexico every year for a week or every 2 years for two weeks. But we had to pay every time maintenance fee, which increased every year. After retirement we received offer to upgrade for the last time. For some extra one time fee we cuold have our time share vacation after 75 year age for 1/2 of the fee and after 77 years age - without paying maintenance fee till we are alive. After that our daughter will inherit our time-share, but will start to pay again the maintenance fee, when use it  till 2033. She may continue the contract for more 30 years for paying one time fee like 5 maintenance fees this time. This was very good investment for us, when we were working and could afford payment of some small loans for some months from our good salaries. Now we could enjoy our sea-vacation every year from Scottsdale for free, driving our car from there to closest resort Puerto Penasco only for 1 tank of gasoline and 3 hours driving. This year we did driving from Seattle, WA to there and back 4000 miles for 12 days both directions. We combined with seeing all west coats of California driving to Mexico and Dead Valley and Yosemite Nat. Park in California too, on back way. We took a lot of photos there, presented in this album.
























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