
Monday, November 14, 2016


         Puerto Penasco, known also like Rocky Point, is the closest Mexican sea resort to USA – California and Arizona. It is situated on the bottom of the Sea of Cortes or Golfo de California (Mare de Cortes) of the Pacific Ocean in Mexico. It is about 200 miles (320 km) south of Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ. You may drive from Phoenix using SR 85 south to the border and continue after that in Mexican Road #8 strait to Puerto Penasco. It is old Mexican town with big port and sunny sand beaches around.

      We drove to there from Seattle, WA for almost 6 days, using the longest way driving around the Pacific Coast of California:

       1.From Crescent City on I-1 around the coastto LA;

       2.From LA we took I-10 to East to Coachella, CA;

       3. From Coachelita we continued to to South Eats using SR 86 to El Centro, CA and continued on I-8 till Gila Bend, AZ with stopping for sleeping and buying food and gas in Yuma, AZ;

      4. From Gila Bend,AZ we took the SR 85 south to Puerto Penasco,Mexico. From Puerto Penasco we took left turn to 24th kilometer, when is our time-share Resort Grand Mayan Palace.

      We sacrificed one day of our beach-vacation to visit and take some photos of the beautiful Mexican town of Puerto Penasco. The best of  these photos are shown in this blog-album.








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