
Thursday, November 17, 2016


             In Phoenix, AZ live some thousand Bulgarians, like in Seattle,WA. But some years ago they built in AZ their Orthodox Church Saint  Sofia. We in Seattle- not yet.We go in Scottsdale, AZ every summer for 1-2 months, last 7 years, to enjoy the hot summer there. Three years ago we discovered the existence of this church and started to visit it 1-2 times every August to participate in the excellent service of Otetz (Father) Mihail and contact with some new friends. After the church service there is always some meeting or celebration in the school area of the church. The Angels (Angelo and Angela) were missing last 2 summers, being back in Bulgaria for the summer, but Otetz Mihail and Irena are always there.In this album are included all good photos in and around the church,taken last 3 sumers.










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