
Thursday, October 3, 2019

With Manuela again in Lisboa. Portugal, May 2018

Manuela Abreu has been our family friend since 1976 year. My wife Margy worked with her, like lecturers on Chemistry in the same Chair of Chemistry in The University of Lorenzo Marques, Maputo, Mozambique. We with Sylvia were there for some time too. My daughter for 2 years  studied in the School of Art and me – for 9 months vacation. Three of us learned good Portuguese. We knew Manuela’s 2 little daughters and husband too. She was bourn in Mozambique. But after some time all Portuguese had to return to Portugal. After the end of Margy’s contract in the Summer of 1978 we went with Sylvia by our new car Peugeot to meet Margy  in Roma. From there we continued through Italy, France and Spain to visit Portugal and to see our friend Manuela. We spend some time in Lisboa, driving  around and visiting all points of interest in and around Lisboa together with Manuela, including Cintra old Palace in the mountains. Last evening Manuela brought us to see Portuguese gentle Corrida. The matadors don’t kill young Bull, only play with him. After he was tired, they took him out, mixed with some young cows. It was very interested show for us. After the show Manuela drove us to the house of her parents in the country near Porto to see her two 2-3 years daughters. Next day we continued our journey to north Spain, South France, Switzerland, Germany and Benelux. It was long journey. For 35 days we visited 11 west European countries.
After 40 years I visited again Lisboa and in the last Sunday we met with Manuela again. I presented my hosts fam. Valkovi to her and all 5 of us spend together around the center of Lisboa. We had very delicious marisco (sea food) lunch together. I took some photos of all  of us around and posted in this short Blog Spot
album. Thank you Manuela for everything! Margy will visit you too. May be next year.



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