
Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Cairo has long been a center of the religion’s political and cultural life and is titled “the City of the Thousand Minarets” for the predominance of Islamic Architecture.
      The most representative mosque in Cairo, visited by all tourists is the 19 century Alabaster Mosque of Mohamad Ali, which is on the top of Citadel of Aladdin and commands a dominant position on Cairo’s skyline, like is Saint Sofia/Hadja Sofia   museum in Istanbul. The cupola of the building is very similar to Saint Sofia and has also only 2 minarets. It is not so big, like Sant Sofia and the Mosque in Abu Dhabi, and not so rich like Suleiman Mosque in Istanbul. In sit is the sarcophagi of the builder – Sultan Mohamed Ali. Closed to it is the 14 century Mosque of al-Nasir Muhammad. Looking down from the Citadel you can’t miss the beautiful Mosque of Sultan Hasan. To enter the Mohamed Ali Mosque, you have to pass through huge fenced court yard, giving more places for some thousand believers. On the one site of the fence is small minaret with outside spiral stairs.
       Old Cairo contains the remains of the ansient Roman fortress of Babylon.  The area is also known as Coptic Cairo, as it holds all Cristian churches including the 3rd century St. Virgin Mary’s Hanging church, the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George and St.  Sarguis Church, Bild over the spot (cave), where the Holy Family is believed to have rested after their journey to Egypt. We visited the beautiful Ben Ezra Synagogue (the only place forbidden to take photos or videos), located on the spot, where baby Moses was found. All photos we succeed to take to, around and in the Mohamed Ali Mosque and all the churches are shown un this album.





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