
Monday, September 30, 2019

Barcarena, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2018


Barcarena is a village with more than 5,500 years old, located in the municipality of Oeiras. It is the seat of the parish with the same name, a Portuguese parish Of The municipality of Oeiras, with 9.01 km ² of area and 13 861 inhabitants (2011). Its population density is 1538.4 inhabitants/km². The settlement or place of Barcarena has 1 644 inhabitants (2001).
In this beautiful plase choose to live my best friend from 30 years, when both of us worked in  Angola, Africa, like professores da Fizika – me – Physicist, and Mechanica – inj. Vasil Valkov, respectively in Pre Univesitario and Technical College, in Beguella, Angola (second  city after Luanda. His wife Tania also was in Angola, working too.
They both lived in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (second city after Sofia too), bat 15 years ago they decided to move to work and live permanently in Portugal. They both speak excellent Portuguese language and found job near Lisbon, the Capital. They bought small apartment with side terrace-parking-garage and under it - summer kitchen and flower garden and beside – vegetable garden, with growing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Some months ago came to study in University of Lisbon their grandson Vasko, son of their younger son Emil , who live in Plovdiv too in the family house.
They met me in the Airport of Lisbon, brought me to their house and gave me lo live in their guest bedroom  for 2 weeks.  Not only this, but we drove together with 2 Vaskos to South Spain and Gibraltar, and around coast of the Atlantic Ocean to Costa Nova,  Aveiro and Bacalhoa Buddha Eden. Here are some photos from Barcarena and around their house. Thank you my friends Vasko and Tania for the cordial hospitality. Last dinner was with small whole Piggly. I invited them to come 3 of them to visit USA and me and Margy – in Arizona, USA.