
Friday, November 1, 2019


    Among all street photographers, the center of Thessaloniki is also considered the most popular destination for street photography in Greece. The main places to see in Solun – Thessaloniki are:  1.Aristotle Square;  2.Church of Saint Demetrius; 3. Thessaloniki Concert Hall,  4.Thessaloniki's waterfront and  5. White Tower of Thessaloniki.
      We went around all this places, entered in the Church of St. Dimitar (Demetrius), took a photos with Aristotle and Alexander The Great, in front of White towel,\. We look at the city from old Castle on the Hill and took some small Cruise Ship to look at the this beautiful city from the Bay. We didn’t see any monuments of the Brothers “St.St.Ciryl & Metody”, 10 century’s Bulgarian Scientist, born and worked in Solun. They were creators of the Slavic Alphabet, used now from all Bulgarians, Macedonians (from Yugoslavia) Ukrainians and Russians. We received Christianity from Byzantium in 845 y. and later Russians received it  from us with all Church books (Evangelias -Bibles) written in Slavic Alphabet. Probably because they were Bulgarians, not Greeks, Greeks don’t know them….The Tomb of Cyril is in one old church in Roma, Italy. This second BlogSpot Album with my photos is continuation of the first one. Became too long…