
Thursday, May 26, 2016


        I came in USA for the first time in March 16, 1966, together with my Uncle Dr. Tzaniu Patrikov for 2 month to arrange the estimate of my grandfather Nick Taylor, who passed away almost one year earlier, in April 1965. He lived in USA 51 years (1914-1965) without coming back to Bulgaria.


           We came by air plain of Lufthansa from Sofia through Frankfurt, West Germany and New York to Saint Luis, Missouri. We were met on the airport by Mr. Theodore Tcoukaleff, friend of my grand father (and administrator of his last will) and spent 45 days in his beautiful house in Alton, Illinois. He helped us to arrange our estimate through the court.


      I immediately bought new car Ford Falcon Futura (with my part of inheritance) and we returned back driving it (in USA and West Europe) and crossing by Steam Ship the Atlantic Ocean, to transport the car with us from New York to Le Havre, France. We drove around Alton, Illinois, spent my 29 Birth Day on 1st of April 1966 at the joining of Mississippi and Missouri rivers, filled the car with the best books and some nice stuff of my grand father, bought some souvenirs and gifts and exchanged our airplane tickets with Steam Ship tickets.

          We had to drive from Alton, IL to New York City to take the ship. It was long driving around Saint Louis, Missouri, Chicago, IL, Detroit, Michigan, Niagara Fall City and Albany, New York state, to reach New York city for 1 week. We stopped only in Saint Louis (to see and climb The Gate to the West), Chicago (Michigan Ave & Museum of Science and Technology) and Buffalo, NY for 1-2 days every place to see the cities and Niagara Fall. In New York we climbed by speed elevator to the top of 101 floors ( highest in the world this time) Empire State Building, looked over Chrysler building and all Manhattan, drove around Manhattan and saw the beautiful United Nations Building. From New York,NY we drove to Washington, DC to obtain legal confirmation of our documents for the inheritance from Bulgarian Embassy. Bulgarian consul there was so gentle to offer us the Embassy’s black big car (Lincoln Continental) with the driver to make sight-seeing tour around thc Capital. Not so many Bulgarians visited USA this time. We wer met like relatives of diplomats. It was cherry blossom time and the weather was pleasant spring. We drove around Pentagon, The Capitol Building, Monument of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials. We stopped near White House and touched and look through the iron fence. The president Lyndon Johnson was not in the garden this time. It was full of tourists everywhere. We drove back to New York city again through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey and left the car for loading to our 

            Steam Ship "Unites States Liner". General characteristics:

Class and type: Ocean Liner (New York, South Hampton, GB, Havre, France; Tonnage: 53,330 GT;  Displacement: 45,400 tons (at design draft); 47,264 tons (at max. draft);  Length: 990 ft (302 m) (overall); 940 ft (287 m) (waterline); Beam: 101.5 ft (30.9 m) maximum; Draft: 31.25 ft (9.53 m) (design); 32.33 ft (9.85 m) (maximum); Depth: 75 ft (23 m); Decks: 12; Installed power: 240,000 shp (180,000 kW); 4 × Westinghouse double-reduction geared steam turbines;  8 × Babcock & Wilcox boilers operating at 925 psi (92 kg/ssm), 975°F(524C); 4 × shafts with propellers.

          United States Steam Ship maintained a 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) crossing speed on the North Atlantic in a service career that lasted 17 years. It was the fastest ship liner this time. We crossed the Ocean for less than 5 days (4 days and nights and 18 hrs).

       We started from New York on Tuesday of last week in April at noon and accosted at Le Havre Port on Sunday morning at 6 a.m. First day was most pleasant. We passed around the Statue of Liberty small Island and State Island, where were accepted and kept all immigrants from Europe for quarantine period of time in the first half of 20 century, when my grandfather came. After disappearing of the sigh of land all passengers went to the restaurants to eat and drink. Next morning we all had seasickness and now body could eat and drink anything (only tea) next 4 days. We spent our time in the cinema theatre watching western movies from 8 am till 8 pm. The gala diner was only hard-boiled eggs and tea. It was springtime and The Ocean was "boiling" all the time. The waves covered sometimes the top deck. We decided never more to cross the Ocean by ship. The last morning we awaked very hungry and without any seasickness everybody ran to the restaurant for the last breakfast. We waited for our car to be unloaded in the first French eating cheese and drinking coffee. We started again our long drive through France, Italy and Yugoslavia for 2 weeks, not missing to spend 3-4 days in Paris and Roma, Italy too. We stopped in Torino, Milano and Florence for half days, drove from Roma to Napoly to see Vesuvii Volcano and look around Venice for 1 full day. We had been in Yugoslavia the previous year 1965 and drove to Sofia non-stop. We both with my uncle were very satisfied from this long journey. We had impression, that we had been to another planet, not another continent America. So big was the difference between America and East Europe this time, 50 years ago. I was 29 years old –young man. I decided some day to came again in USA, like may grandfather without going back.

         After 24 years (in 1990) we came with my wife Margy to visit America again. My daughter Sylvia was student in Art Institute of Seattle, WA. This time we could come again many times. Bulgaria was democratic country. We went back second time to prepare our last coming with one way ticket. After 5 years more, I was already doubled my age (58 years old) we came with immigrant visa to live in USA for ever!… We bought house in Seattle, WA and started new live. It was a little late, but never is late for good things to happen in your life. After 10 years we retired and started traveling around the world. We lived in Europe, worked in Africa 2 times (3 years –me, 5 – Margy), live now in North America. Started with traveling to South America (Brazil, later – Chile &Argentina), visited Middle America – Costa Rica in 2012, went to Far East Asia (Hong Kong and Thailand ( later China, Japan and India). Last continent we hadn’t been after that was Australia. We visited it in 2007. The best country in the world. Like Europe, but wormer, with moderate (in South) and tropical climate (in North). It is in South Part of the Earth. Directions and climate are opposite. That’s why in named "Down Under") But all Christians must see the Holly Land of Israel, where in 1st Century is born , lived and died Jesus. We went there 2 years ago, combined with traveling to 22-nd Century country – Dubai. We travel regularly to Bulgaria and Europe every 3 years. For 21 years – 7 times. Me – for 50 years – 9 times, my grandfather – none! The time changed. Half century is big difference…We now spend our winter vacation in Whistler, BC, Canada every year last week of November for skiing. There is always good snow and is not so cold like in January-February. Our summer vacation we spend every other year in Mexico in April – May , when is not so hot, like in the summer months. In both countries we have time-share prepaid vacation. In Canada for 99 years!.., in Mexico – only for 30. Started in 1998 (Canada) and 2003 (Mexico). Will be inherited by our daughter, grand son and his kids and grand kids…This erything couldn’t happened, if I wouldn’t come in America 50 years ago. This changed the life of me and my family for generation to come…