
Thursday, March 10, 2016



This post - album is made from photos, taken by my nephew Stanimir from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He goes with his family and some friends every first week of September last 10 years on summer vacation in Sandals Resort in Varadero, on the North coats of Island of Cuba. His main hobby there is doing scuba diving in Caribbean Sea. This time he decided to make a trip to Havana, some 150 miles (340 km) from Varadero. They rented an old American car (with new Diesel engine Toyota, made in China) with his friend Aleksei, took both wives and started the Journey. Drove through different land shaft, using local roads and HiWays and entered Havana.They drove around all Historic Monuments, catolic churches, old colonial houses and new modern multisrore buildings - hotels or owned by government or Communist party administratration. They saw monumental pictures of the legendary leaders of Cuban revolution against Spanish colonoalship - Hose Marty and Ernesto Che Guevara. In the end of the tour the group visited some old colonial village, where all small houses were covered by color porcelain decorations. All the time Stanimir was taking photos. He sent me 216 photos by Dropbox. I choose the best of them, did some Photo shop correction by Picasa and created this post-album. It shows the beauty of tropical Nature of Cuba and old Spanish and new contemporary architecture of Havana. Cuba is our dream last 20 years and finally we will travel to Cuba too this 2016 year and will make next Cuba album with our photos. Thank you my favorite nephew.